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The Philosophy of the Yogasutra

Karen O'Brien-Kop's introduction to the Yogasutra highlights its status as a significant work of philosophy. Approaching the Yogasutra as living philosophy, this book elucidates philosophical conceptions of yoga, recognises the logical structure the sutras follow and explains the rules and principles that have sustained Patañjali’s system of thought for centuries.


Moving beyond standard interpretations of Patañjali’s text and commentary as an aphoristic practice manual, O'Brien-Kop uses branches of philosophy to read the Yogasutra. Covering reality, self, ethics, language and knowledge, Patañjali’s philosophies come to the fore. The book introduces his reasoned positions on dual and nondual metaphysics, the relationship between mind and body, the qualities of consciousness, the nature of freedom, and how to live ethically.


Carefully-selected extracts from the primary text are translated for those unfamiliar with Sanskrit and commentaries run throughout. A glossary provides definitions of key concepts with useful translations. Accessible and up-to-date, this introduction broadens our understanding of Indian philosophical thought and explains why the Yogasutra deserves to be read alongside Parmenides' 'On Nature' and Plato's Phaedo as a classic of world philosophy.

The Philosophy of the Yogasutra

  • Karen O'Brien-Kop

    The first introduction of the Yogsutra to present the Sanskrit text as a classic of world philosophy.

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  • Book Details

    Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
    Publication Date: 18-05-2023
    Format: Paperback | 216 x 138mm | 200 pages
  • About the Author

    Karen O'Brien-Kop is Lecturer in Asian Religions at King's College London, UK. She is co-chair of the 'Indian and Chinese Religions in Dialogue' unit of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), is co-convenor of the Spalding Symposium on Indian Religions and a co-editor of the academic journal Religions of South Asia.

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