Experiences of the struggle for housing, ignited by the lack of social and affordable housing, have led to the establishing of shared and self-managed housing areas. In such a context, it becomes crucially important to re-think the need to define common urban worlds "from below". Here, Penny Travlou and Stavros Stavridis trace contemporary practices of urban commoning through which people re-define housing economies.
Connecting to a rich literature on the importance of commons and of practices of commoning for the creation of emancipated societies, the authors discuss whether housing struggles and co-habitation experiences may contribute in crucial ways to the development of a commoning culture. The authors explore a variety of urban contexts through global case studies from across the Global North and South, in search of concrete examples that illustrate the potentialities of urban commoning.
Housing as Commons
Stavros Stavrides and Penny Travlou
An examination of the crucial challenges of applying commoning practices to housing.Rights Sold
All rights availableBook Details
Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Publication Date: 11-08-2022
Format: Hardback | 216 x 138mm | 336 pagesAbout the Editors
Penny Travlou is a Lecturer in Cultural Geography and Theory at the University of Edinburgh, UK.
Stavros Stavrides is Professor in the School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
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