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With Power Comes Responsibility

What is structural injustice, and who ultimately bears responsibility for it? In answering these questions Maeve McKeown goes beyond the widely accepted narrative of unintended consequences and blameless participation to explain how power and responsibility truly function in today’s world.


Drawing on case studies from sweatshops to climate change, McKeown identifies three types of structural injustice: the pure and unintended accumulation of disparate activities; the avoidable injustice that could be ameliorated by the powerful but nevertheless continues; the deliberate perpetuation of structural processes that benefit powerful political and economic agents. In each of these, the role of power is different which changes the allocation of responsibility.


From this understanding, we can shape a deeper, more sophisticated idea of how structural injustice operates and what we as individuals can do about it. What is the political responsibility of ordinary individuals? How can ordinary individuals with very little power pressure morally responsible, powerful agents to address structural injustice? Do we have the same responsibility for historical injustice as we do for that which we see in today’s world? This is fundamental reassessment of the relationship between power, ordinary people and responsibility for structural injustice.

With Power Comes Responsibility

  • Maeve McKeown

    A radical rethink of who is responsible for global structural injustice, arguing those with the most power are most culpable.
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  • Book Details

    Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
    Publication Date: 22-02-2024
    Format: Paperback | 234 x 156mm | 280 pages
  • About the Author

    Maeve McKeown is Assistant Professor of Political Theory, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and has previously worked at Cambridge, Oxford, and at the the Goethe University Frankfurt. She is the author of numerous journal articles, the editor of Stephen Jeffreys’ Playwriting: Structure, Character, How and What to Write (2019), shortlisted for the Theatre Book Prize 2020, and is formerly co-editor of New Left Project.

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