No matter what you teach, there is a 100 Ideas title for you!
The 100 Ideas series offers teachers practical, easy-to-implement strategies and activities for the classroom. Each author is an expert in their field and is passionate about sharing best practice with their peers.
Each title includes at least ten additional extra-creative Bonus Ideas that won't fail to inspire and engage all learners.
Based on extensive research and trialing in the classroom, 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Student Personal Development presents practical and inspiring ideas for personal development in your school both across and beyond individual subjects.
This book brings together a wealth of good practice and realistic ideas to equip and support personal development leads and their teams. It includes strategies for many vital areas including careers education, mental health and wellbeing, student leadership and social action as well as invaluable advice for PD leads on quality assurance and whole-school approaches. From peer coaching and student-led surgeries to 'drop-down days' and debating academies, 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Student Personal Development has everything you need from easy-to-implement ideas to the overarching strategies to transform your school PD culture.
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Student Personal Development
Kelly Allchin
100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Student Personal Development presents practical and inspiring ideas for personal development in your school.
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Book Details
Imprint: Bloomsbury Education
Publication Date: 13-02-2025
Format: Paperback | 198 x 129mm | 136 pagesAbout the Author
Kelly Allchin is Assistant Principal for Personal Development and specialises in citizenship, PSHE and SMSC education. Her school was identified as a Beacon School of Excellence due to her innovative projects and policies. She speaks at national and regional conferences on personal development and also shares good practice and supports others via her website Kelly is also an advisory teacher for the Association for Citizenship Teaching (ACT), writes for Young Citizens and is working with the Electoral Commission on developing educational resources and with the West Yorkshire Police on a PSHE programme. Follow Kelly for more @Smscallchin.
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